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Lost & Found Property Form

What is your purpose of filling this form
Lost an item
Found an item
What venue did you lose/find the item?
National Hockey Stadium
Fraser Park
Elsdon Park
Maidstone Park

Your stuff misses you too

If you have lost an item, please complete the lost/found property form below. We'll get in contact with you if it has been handed in. Sometimes items are not found, so if you don’t hear back within 2 working days, unfortunately, your item hasn’t been handed in or found onsite.

All property that is found at the turf is stored by us for a maximum period of one month. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity.

Lost & Found Property Form

What is your purpose of filling this form
Lost an item
Found an item
What venue did you lose/find the item?
National Hockey Stadium
Fraser Park
Elsdon Park
Maidstone Park